Hypnose pour interventions chirurgicales - Forum Hypnose 2013

Dr Christine Watremez et Dr Fabienne Roelants
Vendredi 17 Mai 10h30
Forum Hypnose Strasbourg 2013

Développer le pourquoi et le comment de l’utilisation de l’hypnose en chirurgie de la thyroïde/parathyroïde, en chirurgie carcinologique du sein, lors des arthroscopies du genou ou encore pour les endartérectomies carotidiennes.

Le but est d’expliquer l’intérêt de l’hypnose pour ces types de chirurgies et d’expliquer les particularités de l’hypnoanalgésie pour chacune d’elle.

Fabienne Roelants,

associate Professor since 2008, acquired her medical degree in 1993. She is a clinical anaesthesiologist since 1998 residing in Brussels, Belgium. She works mainly
within the framework of obstetric anaesthesia. Her main area of research is the management of pain associated with childbirth, source of several publications.

She was trained in hypnosis (acute pain and anesthesia) in 2006 with the institute Emergences of Rennes (France) and acquired a complementary competence in chronic pain and hypnosis in 2011.

She contributed to the development of hypnosis in the operating theatre of her hospital (Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium) in collaboration with Pr Christine Watremez.

Her main hypnosis activity is the accompaniment of the patients during thyroidectomy, breast cancer surgery in place of general anaesthesia and to assist loco-regional procedures in obstetrics.

She presented 2 abstracts with Pr Watremez at the last ESA (European Society of Anaesthesiology) annual meeting in Amsterdam June 2011: “Breast cancer surgery under hypnosis and local anaesthesia: feasibility and potential benefits” F. Roelants, P. Georges; F. Ponchon, M. Berlière, C. Watremez and “Hypnosis and videoscopy combination as less invasive technique for thyroidectomy” C Watremez, MA Docquier, B Brui, M Mourad, F Roelants.

Rédigé le 12/05/2013 modifié le 04/11/2019
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Confédération Francophone d'Hypnose et Thérapies Brèves. Sylvie COLOMBANI CLAUDEL est… En savoir plus sur cet auteur

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